The problem when doing T job

Not understanding the problem fully:

Sometimes, certain tables are missed from our domain of problem for a ticket. This causes unnecessary changes, or wrong layers or wrong linkage. 


There is also the problem of not understanding terms or business practices.



  • Long term: Refactor the T layer so that tool can be used to track dependency and scoping better. 
  • Short term: to recheck and be more careful when scoping the problem, and get used to your data warehouse more
  • Short term: Create flow chart and assisted diagram, recheck with senior employee.

Not understanding the dwh

Do not understand the table’s purpose itself. Sometimes, the purpose of the table is not clarified in the documentation description (yml file). Even sometimes naming can be confusing. Common confusion including: level of table: is it order x items or orders. 



  • Long term: Adapt a better naming convention for level of tables. Enforce rules on description of yml files
  • Short term: Ask seniors and do testing by comparing dimension of tables


Communicating in tickets and PRs

Making tickets is a vital process in vatico, and it should be the driving process an employee does. Even with a framework on how to phase a ticket, sometimes there are trouble in communicating the intention of the ticket to the reviewer. This sometimes can be the difference in background knowledge or expectation mismatch between the ticket creator and ticket refiner. 


Upon solving a ticket, creating PRs has many issues.

  1. PRs are too long: too many changes in a PR.
  2. Solution is not communicate properly, and are desync from ticket description
  3. Too many small problems: spelling, clarify, coding standard



  • Long term: Create template for issues and PRs, as a first layer checklist about miscommunication
  • Long term: A list of questions that must be answered by every PR and tickets (this is an extension of what, why who,… but is more specific)
  • Short term: Practise more. 
  • Short term: include flow charts for each solution implemented
  • Short term: create sub ticket and sub PR

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